Friday, April 30, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

New Location: Get Guessing!

We were cordially asked to move to a new recording location last week, on account of important business matters at IRIS. It was just a temporary move, but put us in a pretty awkward position. Here are some hints:

- Smells of Pledge
- Brightly Lit
- Good place to store a gun (movie reference)
- Some say you get the best acoustics in least for your own enjoyment

Can you guess our temporary studio housing? Tweet us your thoughts!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Leave No Trace...on the earth's Face

We're behind this idea 100%. Thanks to Ben Coe of The Artist Farm for putting together a simple, viral pledge that people can get behind to help beautify our collective live music experience. Here's the gist:

Take The Pledge:
I will leave no trash on the ground at outdoor concerts and will encourage my friends and neighbors to do the same.

That's it! Probably the easiest thing you can see through to completion, and yet what a lasting effect it will have. Click on the image to make your own pledge:

I took the Clean Concert pledge.