Tuesday, June 15, 2010

perseus noble

genre: alternative rock, "electro psychwave"
artist: perseus noble
album: perseus noble
featured tracks: walk by, shift your eyes
label: galapagos4
street date: 6/15/10

These four musicians met by chance after a lunar eclipse in 1992 and formed a "musical system to reconcile the miscalculations of modern science." They share a unique philosophy and a quirky personality that materializes to a funky and fulfilling sound. Perseus noble is currently based out of Chicago, but truly discovered their sound under the sweltering sun of the New Mexico desert.

Shift your eyes is a soft, sweet symphony of gentle percussion and loving lyrics. It ends too quickly-- which may be the point, as the lyrics clearly indicate a yearning for something lost.

Walk by carries a similar tender undertone of affection and desire that makes you want to fall madly in love with someone for the sole purpose of truly understanding what they're singing about... and once again ends too quickly.

Stream now. Fall in love immediately.

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